Monday, November 26, 2012

Late lab assignments

As I have reminded you previously in class, there are ten lab assignments which are mandatory for passing comp 128. Most students in this section have remained up to date in all of the lab assignments, however, some students have been delinquent in their lab assignment submissions since well before the storms and their associated power outages. We are rapidly approaching the end of the semester and time is running out. Yesterday, I sent emails to each student in the class providing current lab average and which, if any, labs are missing.

Again, time is running out for you to make up your outstanding work:

No late lab assignments will be accepted after December 1st!

As long as you submit your first attempt at each lab assignment before the deadline, I will allow you to make corrections in order to earn full credit for the lab.

For example, if you send me lab 4 on November 30th and you need to make edits, we will engage in an email conversation in which I will inform you what you need to fix and you will reply with your fixes. Since the original assignment was submitted by the deadline, I will accept your edits past December 1st, if necessary.

I cannot say it often enough:

No late lab assignments will be accepted after December 1st!