Should you find yourself in need of emergency shelter, please note the following announcement on the Monmouth County Emergency Management Hurricane Information page:
Update 1:44 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 28, 2012
Residents who do not have friends or family with whom they can stay should report to their municipal reception center (locations vary by town). The reception center will register people and arrange for people to be transport to a shelter. Anyone going to a shelter must be picked up by county transportation. Municipal information
JCP&L regularly updates its power outage map. This is a screen capture taken of the area at 3:09pm today.
To report a power outage to JCP&L, call 1-888-544-4877.
As of right now, New Jersey American Water is not reporting any water outages but you can monitor their outage map which is updated every 15 minutes. NJAWC has posted the following on their site:
New Jersey American Water Closely Monitoring
Hurricane Sandy - 10-26-2012
New Jersey American Water is closely monitoring the developments of the path of Hurricane Sandy and is implementing emergency preparation measures. To minimize the storm's potential impact to our facilities and to your water service the steps we are taking include: backing up our power sources, reinforcing points in our water distribution system and at our treatment plants, and reviewing our contingency plans.
In anticipation of Hurricane Sandy, New Jersey American Water encourages you to take the following steps: conserve water, fill your bathtub with water in case your water service is disrupted, and, in this, and any emergency, know where your main water shut off valve is and be sure to shut your water off when evacuating.
Be safe!